Saxon Shore Way – Iwade to Sittingbourne

A nine-mile walk along the Saxon Shore Way from Iwade to Sittingbourne. Take the 101 Arriva bus to Maidstone then the 334 to Iwade or take the 326 or 327 to Key Street then the 334 to Iwade.

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Walk past the Woolpack.

Across the road is the All Saints Church Iwade,

Continue North through the village at a fork in the road there is a footpath on the left. Continue, joining the Saxon Shore Way to Raspberry Hill Lane where the path takes a left turn then a right turn continue out towards Chetney Marches. In the distance you may see the remains of Grain Power Station, however, the distinctive chimney has now gone.

The path turns right towards Sheppey Bridge.

Pass under the new bridge

and also the old one.

Turn right when you see the navigation tower at Ridham Dock

Follow along the top of an embankment

Past Ridham Dock

Through a gate the down over a disused railway siding

The pack goes back up onto the embankment

The path turns left past the main entrance to the docks

Then continues back to the Swale where you turn right

Follow the coast round

Leaving the Swale and entering Milton Creek

Past Churchfields Wharf and Eastwoods Wharf

An old wooden wreck

Past Gransden Wharf

The iconic water tower has been demolished

Leaving Milton Creek

The Saxon Shore Way goes on the roads through Sittingbourne

Take the left turn then a left fork and turn right under the railway bridge. Follow the road round to the station and past Lang’s bar and cocktail lounge, formerly the Globe and Engine pub.

The bus stop is across the A2. Either take the 326/327 back to Chatham or the 333/334 to Maidstone then the 101.